
arrow EC1 ŁÓDŹ

The Łódź Combined Heat and Power Plant fulfilled a groundbreaking role in the development of industrialization and electrification of the city. It introduced great conveniences into the daily lives of Lodz residents. The price of drawing energy from fossil fuels was environmental degradation. The project envisages a form of reparation to Nature for the damage done. The design idea for Coal Square and the rest of the surrounding area is therefore to gradually repay the ecological debt incurred to Nature and symbolically transform the Square into a Square, turning the degraded space into an area of active greenery. The high-intensity commercial developments planned in the immediate vicinity
intensity of development, will enclose the space around the buildings to the north. Kobro Square is to be created as a square with a partially greened descent to the Łódź Fabryczna station. Within the partially completed pedestrian passage on the Has Street tunnel, the introduced development and growing vegetation will, in time, make this part of the city complete with high-quality public spaces with an urban character, but with a small amount of greenery. The future surroundings of EC1 will complement this area of the city with a recreational function and turn it into a new, attractive urban quarter.